Is it possible to have hair on your butt

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Yes it is possible to have hair on your butt, some people do and some people don’t. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it possible to have hair on your butt
Is it possible to have hair on your butt
Yes it is possible to have hair on your butt, some people do and some people don’t. Thanks for using ChaCha!

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butt hair ??? is it possible im 13 ?!?! :P:P please the discreption :P?
Q: I saw a small pile of poop on my breifs which contained hair, i am 13 and i just started puberty ( little pubic hair and balls growing ) can it be butt hair or what is it ?? plz answer :P:P i dont think its pubic haor since its hard for pubic hair to fall :P:P is it possible to have butt hair at age of 13 ?? plz answer :)I saw a small pile of poop on my breifs which contained hair, i am 13 and i just started puberty ( little pubic hair and balls growing ) can it be butt hair or what is it ?? plz answer :P:P i dont think its pubic haor since its hard for pubic hair to fall :P:P is it possible to have butt hair at age of 13 ?? plz answer :)OW AND I DID NOT POOP MY PANTS IT JUST THAT I WASNT FAST ENOUGH SINCE THE RESTROOM WAS OCCUPIED, SO STOP SAYING IM POOPING MYSELF
A: Yes it is possible and there’s nothing wrong with it.Alot of people have butt hair.
Is it possible to stop your butt from sweating so much?
Q: Regardless of how hot or cold it is, within 10 minutes of sitting, my whole ass and upper thighs are just covered in sweat. It looks like someone hit me in the butt with a hose. Its seriously that obvious. Yes, I’m aware that this is hilarious and often enjoy seeing how people react to seeing it, but its also annoying as well. I have to change my boxers 3 times a day just because of how uncomfortable it is sitting in a puddle. I heard of sweat gland suction surgery, but in all the descriptions, it just mentions armpits. Is it possible to get this surgery on my ass? Oh, and using powders or deodorants is completely useless and some of the products I’ve tried have made it sweat even more. I keep all the hair on my body trimmed very short and shower regularly, careful to spend extra time on my ass.
A: To be blunt, are you fat or out of shape? If so, some deit and sweaty exercise may help.
Is it possible to sell your hair instead of donating it?
Q: I want to cut my hair, it’s really long, healthy, and it’s my natural color (never dyed it) which is blonish brown and it’s so long, like almost to my butt. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about selling your hair. Thanks!
A: Sure is. Try Google….
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