Is it bad to take melatonin everyday

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Yes over time, your body will become immune to Melatonin and it will not work. Take it sparingly please. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Is it bad to take melatonin everyday
Is taking Melatonin everyday bad?
90% of my nights without the use of some kind of “external” assistance are subject to insomnia. The doctor just told me to exercise and slow down on the caffeine. My caffeine intake is zero and I exercise an obscene amount now. Up…
What Does Melatonin Do To you If You take One A Day Everyday? Is …?
Melatonin is a natural product that your body makes. It can help you fall asleep at night. Most people take it for insomnia or jet lag but it is also an antioxidant. If you decide to start taking it, make sure you take it at bedtime (or 30 …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What Does Melatonin Do To you If You take One A Day Everyday? Is It Good r Bad?
A: Melatonin is a natural product that your body makes. It can help you fall asleep at night. Most people take it for insomnia or jet lag but it is also an antioxidant.If you decide to start taking it, make sure you take it at bedtime (or 30 minutes before) because it will help you fall asleep.Most people don’t have any problems, but it can have side effects such as nausea, headache, fast heart beat, irritability, or a hang-over effect (feeling really sleepy when it’s time to get up in the morning).Talk to your pharmacist if you are taking an MAOI or TCA for depression because these drugs can interact. Also be careful if you are immunosuppressed (if you have HIV/AIDS, have had a transplant, etc).Hope that helps!
ive been taking melatonin for a year n a half everyday 3mg is it safe to get off it right away?
Q: will i have bad trouble sleeping?
A: No, you just have to slowly ease yourself off of it. I.e., melatonin is the chemical that your brain naturally produces when the lights go out.So…stop taking it and turn on lights.
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