If I have a wart on my hand, what should I do about it

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Hand warts are pretty common. They are typically unattractive, although not painful. Salicylic acid can make them smaller and go away in some cases, as can nonprescription freezing. Compund W is a common and effective over the counter wart remover. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/if-i-have-a-wart-on-my-hand%2C-what-should-i-do-about-it ]
More Answers to “If I have a wart on my hand, what should I do about it
What should I do?I have warts that are on my hands for a year!?
if you want to remove warts then you should know that you can remove warts by surgery, freezing, laser, acid or with cream but warts can reappear again and again because warts appears when your immune system is weak! so you must build up yo…

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Q: i have a wart on my hand and i have an appointment tommorow with a specialist. I am going to get it burned off. I was wondering does it hurt? and after its burned off will i need to keep it covered with a bandage or will it leave a mark?
A: I had two moles lasered off my face and they gave an anesthetic shot first so it wouldn’t hurt. Then a band aid.
Question about wart on hand disappearing?
Q: Ive had two warts on my finger for years and they suddenly both disappeared on their own? I didnt use any treatment, how did this happen?
A: A wart is caused by this “harmless” virus and develops because the body doesn’t consider it worth fighting. Eventually it does recognize and fight the virus, and the warts go away. The process can take 10 years or so sometimes.
How can I Get rid of Hand wart?
Q: I have had a hand wart for over 4 years on my finger in the biggest joint. I have had cryotherapy on many occasions but the wart keeps returning. Is there any other solution as to how to get rid of it? Ive considered getting drunk and cutting it out myself! Thanks.
A: Yes there is!You could visit the doctor and ask for it to be frozen out, or if you do not fancy that get some Verruca gel something that has Salicylic Acid in it.A wart is another name for a Verruca, in case you did not know!Either way it should solve the problem.Good Luck!
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