How much must you be dilated to give birth

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You need to be at 10 cm. If you push before cervix is fully dilated, cervix may swell & you may not be able to deliver vaginally. [ Source: ]
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How much must you be dilated to give birth
You need to be at 10 cm. If you push before cervix is fully dilated, cervix may swell & you may not be able to deliver vaginally.

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How dilated must you be to give birth?
Q: I have heard 8-10 cm, is this correct?
A: 10cm
Supporters of midwifery and home birth, does this article give you the heebie jeebies?
Q: Here are some excerpts of a handout my local OB is giving to all the newly pregnant moms. I fear for them and their babies. I’m not naming names, so while I would enjoy referring to him as Dr. Creepy-short-bespectacled-old -man-with-liver-spots, for brevity’s sake I’ll just call him Dr. John. “Dr. John will tell you when it is time for you to go to the hospital. You or Dr. John’s office must notify the Delivery Room nurses that you are on your way.You must check in at the entrance. If you are too uncomfortable you may request a wheelchair…At the hospital, you will be placed in a room with a fetal monitor. A probe from this machine will be placed on your abdomen so that your baby’s heart rate can be monitored. A nurse or doctor will do an internal exam when you are admitted to determine how far your cervix has dilated. Depending on how rapidly your labor progresses, you may have to be checked internally several more times before you deliver.”ShuddersA nurse will insert anintravenous needle into your arm. A tube attached to the needle can be used to give you medications if they are needed…When your labor has progressed to the point of delivery, you will deliver your baby in the same room. If not, you will be moved to a surgical room where a Caesarean will be performed. When you are ready to deliver, Dr. John may make a small incision into your perineum (end of the vagina) to allow more room for the baby to pass through. Without this incision, called an episiotomy, this area may tear open. He will close up the episiotomy with stitches after the baby is born.”“Your baby may go to the nursery to be evaluated.”“…Some people feel that removal of this foreskin promotes better hygiene- the boy will not have to be taught how to push the skin back for cleaning.” Now, I had the distinct pleasure of meeting this man who told me with a cold face and chilling manner that I had miscarried, in a nonchalant way. It scares me to think that he is a gynecologist.Ob/gyn I should say.I felt like this whole thing was degrading, even going to the point of explaining our basic anatomy to us… I wish everyone could read the rest but I don’t have all week to type it out 🙂 lol. Thank god for midwives. Thaaaaank god.Oh I have a midwife, the only reason I had to go see this idiot was because when I was miscarrying my ER doctor referred me to him to tell me what my second day blood levels were and he decided it would be best to do an internal exam and jab at my uterus, I guess it probably made his day…Erika, I know you don’t see what the big deal is, that is why I started my question with “supporters of midwifery and homebirth.” I have nothing against women who go to the hospital/use an OB/opt for a caesarean, it’s just not right for everyone.Yes daisy and I think that is absolutely wonderful. The way it should be! You guys have a much better success rate than we do I believe as far as outcomes (and interventions) go.
A: Dear Dr John,There is no evidence that an episiotemy makes delivery faster, safer, or is in any way necessary. Almost all studies show episiotemies increase tearing, and that cuts take longer to heal than natural tears.Should anyone come near MY vagina with a knife they will be kicked in the balls first. Should anyone with your attitude come near me I will probably end up punching them anyway.This is your only warning.
Q: This is my first pregnancy and I’m not getting much explination from my doctor or parenting books. my question is i went to my doctors this morning she informed me that Iam 39 weeks pregnant she checked and said that my cervix is thinnning and that iam 1 cm dilated and that i should be able to go anyday now. my question is that my belly hasn’t dropped yet will i not give birth untill then? and also when she says any day can it really be any day like tomarrow? or tonight or is there a cirten cm that you must be dialated in order for ur water to break and contractions to start.thanks so much for your input!
A: You can be dialated at 1 cm for weeks–but yes, the baby needs to drop first. Just hang tight and relax. It may be tonight (highly doubtful) or in 2 weeks.
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