How many pull ups should a 12 year old be able to do

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There is no set number of pull ups that a 12 year old should be able to do. Do as many as you can as long as you do not injure or strain yourself. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many pull ups should a 12 year old be able to do
How many pull ups should a 12 year old be able to do
There is no set number of pull ups that a 12 year old should be able to do. Do as many as you can as long as you do not injure or strain yourself. ChaCha!
What is the world record for pull ups?
60 per minute 162 without touching ground
How many pull ups should you be able to do?
Well the average for anyone is about 1 or 2. But many people can barely do one. Just doing 10 pull ups is considered good. I am in pretty good shape from years in the military and lifting weights, and I do pull-ups fairly regularly. I usual…

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Q: So I was just curious how many push ups and pull ups an 18 year old should be able to do. I can do like 80 push ups and 12-14 pullupsi meant 80 in one minute, max 180
A: We need to define “pushup” and “pullup”. In a pushup, the body is held completely rigidly. All the way up — lock the elbows. All the way down — touch the chin. In a pullup, you start with the elbows straight, and pull up and put your chin over the bar. At your age, I’d go for 25 of these pushups, and 12 of the pullups. When I was that age, I once did 45 pushups.
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A: that is really good, but if u think u can do more then u should go for it. some kids your age can’t even do what u can , and if u want to set higher goals then u can, just make sure u stretch before u start or u can injure your self and drink plenty of water
Question about pull-ups?
Q: i am a 12 year old boy and i was able to do 22 pull-ups and i stopped working out for a month and now i can only do 4 what can i do to get back to normal quickly? and dont just say do more pull ups
A: Use a routine like this
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