How many calories are in a serving of Pepto Bismol

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A 15 ml tablespoon of sugar free Pepto Bismol contains 262 mg. of Bismuth subsalicylate, and 6 mg of sodium. The calories are minimal as they are not listed in the product information. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How many calories are in a serving of Pepto Bismol
How many calories are in a serving of Pepto Bismol
A 15 ml tablespoon of sugar free Pepto Bismol contains 262 mg. of Bismuth subsalicylate, and 6 mg of sodium. The calories are minimal as they are not listed in the product information. ChaCha!
How many calories are in pepto bismol?
Zero. It is a suspension of bismuth subsalicylate with not sugar, oils, or proteins. However, it can cause mild constipation which means you have more time to absorb nutrients before you deficate. So there may be a net gain of calories, tho…
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