How long should you ice a sprained ankle

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Use ice & elevate a sprained ankle for the first 24-48 hours. You can also take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain & swelling. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long should you ice a sprained ankle
How long should I ice a sprained ankle?
The best treatment for a sprain is RICE- rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Ice can be used 20 to 30 minutes, three or four times daily. After the first day or two you can apply heat for the next 48 hours to help relieve the pain. Eleva…
How long should you ice down a sprained ankle?
You should use ice for the first 48 hours. ice should never be applied directly to the skin, it can cause damage. alight towel or shirt, etc should be placed between ice and skin. keep ice on for 20 minutes out of each hour. you should also…
How long should you ice a Rolled/Sprained ankle for??
Keep icing it until the pain and swelling completely subsides. Wear an ankle brace during the day, which you can get at most drug stores. You can take the ankle brace off when you go to bed. Take advil, but be sure not to take it on an empt…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long should you ice down a sprained ankle?
Q: It was a pretty severe sprain, however, how long should it be iced down for. I ‘ve had it on ice for a day and a half, should I keep going?
A: You should use ice for the first 48 should never be applied directly to the skin, it can cause damage. alight towel or shirt, etc should be placed between ice and skin.keep ice on for 20 minutes out of each should also elevate and use an ace wrap for support
How long should I ice a sprained ankle?
Q: Sould I also apply heat after a while?
A: The best treatment for a sprain is RICE- rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Ice can be used 20 to 30 minutes, three or four times daily. After the first day or two you can apply heat for the next 48 hours to help relieve the pain. Elevate the ankle for 4r8 hours above the level of your heart. You can also use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain relief.
how long should you ice a Rolled/Sprained ankle for?
Q: i was skating in my room 😛 and i rolled my ankle pretty badand its the third day into my “healing” ive been elevating it , icing it with a bag of peas lol and stretching my ankle a bit like doing the alphabet with my foot should i still be icing it into the third and fourth day , because i can basically put my full weight on my ankle and walk 85% normally wihthoiut limp so should i still be icing it and is there anything else i should be doing?appreciated
A: Keep icing it until the pain and swelling completely subsides. Wear an ankle brace during the day, which you can get at most drug stores. You can take the ankle brace off when you go to bed. Take advil, but be sure not to take it on an empty stomach. Warm baths at night can also be soothing, as can creams like Icy Hot or BenGay. The trick is to aggressively treat the problem until it subsides. Be careful with your stretching, though, since you don’t want to further tear any ligaments in your ankle.
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