How long can you leave your nouva ring out

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If NuvaRing is out for more than 3 hours in the first 2 weeks of using a new NuvaRing contraceptive effectiveness may be reduced. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How long can you leave your nouva ring out
How long can you leave your nouva ring out
If NuvaRing is out for more than 3 hours in the first 2 weeks of using a new NuvaRing contraceptive effectiveness may be reduced.
How long are you supposed to leave Nuva Ring out??
You are using the ring incorrectly. It should be in for 21 days (3 weeks) and out for 7 days (1 week). It doesn’t matter when your period ends, when 7 days are up you begin a new cycle with a new ring. In fact, inserting the new ring will l…
Can you leave nuva ring in an extra week purposely?
Yes. The Nuva Ring has enough hormones to last up to 35 days, or 5 weeks. Leaving it in for 4 weeks is perfectly healthy and equally as effective for preventing pregnancy. Leaving it in for 4 weeks and skipping your period is fine, but it s…
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