How do you make yourself eat even if your not hungry

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Your body knows when you need food, so listen to it. Eat when you’re truly hungry, then stop when you’re full.Happy ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How do you make yourself eat even if your not hungry
How do you make yourself eat even if your not hungry
Your body knows when you need food, so listen to it. Eat when you’re truly hungry, then stop when you’re full.Happy ChaCha!

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What can you do to make yourself more hungry/eat more?
Q: I’m trying to gain weight (muscle) and I needa step up the caloric intake…it’s going great but I haven’t been hungry in weeks ’cause I eat so much, and I still should be eating more.Any ways to increase hunger or the like?thanks-don’t say exercise. i know
A: It’s not the quantity of food you eat. It’s the TYPE. For weight gain eat a lot of protein and starch – this meansSteak, hamburgers, peanuts & peanut butter, plus the starches – potatoes are best, corn and beans are ok. Two things to add though – remember to mix your diet with exercise to build muscle mass and not fat. High weight, low reps to build bulk. Also remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so you’ll show a weight gain with the workout as well.
Is it better to make yourself eat three meals a day or only eat when you’re hungry?
Q: Most helpful answer will be chosen best.I am just curious though. Better to eat right when you wake up and then only eat again at ‘lunch’ and only once more at ‘dinner’? Or eat right when you wake up, and then wait until you’re hungry again during the day to eat? Or is that like waiting until you’re thirsty to drink water? Because if you’re feeling thirsty then you’re dehydrated.Thanks for any help.
A: It is good to eat when you wake up and eat small “meals” (well rounded snacks, containing healthy carbs, protein and healthy fats) throughout the day when you feel hungry. Should be every two-three hours for most people.
Is it better to make yourself eat three times a day or to only eat when you’re hungry?
Q: Most helpful answer will be chosen best.I am just curious though. Better to eat right when you wake up, and then wait until you’re hungry again during the day to eat? Or is that like waiting until you’re thirsty to drink water? Because if you’re feeling thirsty you’re dehydrated.Thanks for any help.
A: serious answer is it’s better to eat bit by bit every 3-4 hours so it speed up your metabolism.but I only eat when I’m hungry, the problem is I get hungry all the time so..
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