How do you know when fever blisters are no longer contagious

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Herpes simplex virus is highly contagious when fever blisters are present, and the virus frequently is spread by kissing. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
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How do you know when fever blisters are no longer contagious?
Herpes simplex virus is highly contagious when fever blisters are present, and the virus frequently is spread by kissing. ChaCha!

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i understand herpes (fever blisters) is contagious by kissing. but is it always contagious? ?
Q: i guess what i mean.. is it contagious all year round? or only on outbreak? is there anyway to prevent getting it from someone who has it? i’m currently dating a girl who i think has herpes. i saw some blisters on her mouth.. google tells me its ok to kiss her as long as the blisters are gone.. is this true? help! pls!
A: Cassie needs to get educated. And Ashleigh, fever blisters are just a nicer way of saying cold sores which are herpes.Herpes simplex 1 us the one that 90% of the time is in the mouth, commonly known as cold sores. Occasionally when oral sex is preformed it can spread to your gential areas also, so if you think she has cold sores be sure she isn’t doing any business downtown on you becuase that could cause you to get gential herpes.Herpes simplex 2 is the kind generally associated with the gential area. Again, if you are going down town on a girl who has gential herpes it is possible to spread it to your mouth area. You can also get herpes on other areas of your body, though it is extremely rare, I have seen cases on your cheeks, inner thighs, and one girl had it behind her knee (how she got it I have no idea, the biopsy came back poistive for herpes 2).
Do you get fever blisters?
Q: If yes, how long have you been getting them? Do you have any idea of where it came from? Did you know that fever blisters are very contagious?
A: A small sore situated on the face or in the mouth that causes pain, burning, or itching before bursting and crusting over. The favorite locations are on the lips, chin or cheeks and in the nostrils. Less frequented sites are the gums or roof of the mouth (the palate).Fever blisters are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. It lies latent (dormant) in the body and is reawakened (reactivated) by factors such as stress, sunburn, or fever from a wide range of infectious diseases including colds. Recurrences are less common after age 35. Sunscreen (SPF 15 or more) on the lips prevents recurrences of herpes from sunburn.The virus is highly contagious when fever blisters are present. It is spread by kissing. Children become infected by contact with someone who has a fever blister and then they spread the virus by rubbing their cold sore and touching other children. A person with fever blisters should be careful not to touch the blisters and spread the virus to new sites, such as the eyes or genitals.There is no cure for fever blisters. Medications that can relieve some of the pain and discomfort include ointments that numb the blisters, antibiotics that control secondary bacterial infections, and ointments that soften the crests of the sores. Acyclovir, an antiviral drug, prevents the herpes simplex virus from multiplying and, in pill form, has been reported to reduce the symptoms and frequency of recurrence.Fever blisters have plagued people for thousands of years. In ancient Rome, an epidemic of fever blisters prompted Emperor Tiberius to ban kissing in public ceremonies. Today, fever blisters still occur in epidemic proportions. About 100 million episodes of recurrent fever blisters occur yearly in the United States alone.Fever blisters are also called cold sores, labial herpes (herpes labialis, in Latin) and febrile herpes (herpes febrilis, in Latin
are kids still contagious when they have coxsackie blisters? when are they not contagious?
Q: How long are kids infected with coxsackie contagious after they have had the associated fever?
A: People who are infected with a coxsackie virus are most contagious the first week they’re sick.Children who are sick with a coxsackie virus should be kept out of school or child care for a few days to avoid spreading the infection.Most children with a simple coxsackie infection recover completely after a few days at home.The incubation period (the time between infection and the onset of symptoms) for most coxsackie virus infections is about 2 to 10 days.
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