Does squatting stop you from growing

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Squats will not stop you from growing. In fact, this is one exercise that can benefit almost every muscle in your body if you do them correctly and safely. ChaCha again! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does squatting stop you from growing
Does squatting stop you from growing
Squats will not stop you from growing. In fact, this is one exercise that can benefit almost every muscle in your body if you do them correctly and safely. ChaCha again!
Is it true that if you lift weight’s and bench-press and squats m…?
I hate to break this too you, but they are right… Probably not by the way you think, however… Any intense large muscle group exercise will cause the body to release increased amounts of testosterone. It is an evolutionary response due t…

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Do squats stop you from growing.?
Q: Someone told me that if i get my younger brother who’s 13 to do squats, he will stop growing because squats strains or hardens muscles in the back that stops you from growing and you stay a short person. I don’t think its true but maybe someone may have a more scientific answer around here.
A: What the f….? You should pimp slap whoever told you that! Just kidding. That’s crazy though. Your height has already been determined by your genes (unless you take HGH). Besides your bones are what grow and increase your height not your muscles.
Is it true that if you lift weight’s and bench-press and squats make you stop growing?
Q: Today there was a HUGE argument with two of my health teachers. One of them said that lifting, squats, and bench-pressing makes you stay short.Is it true or is it a old wives tale?
A: I hate to break this too you, but they are right… Probably not by the way you think, however…Any intense large muscle group exercise will cause the body to release increased amounts of testosterone. It is an evolutionary response due to the fact that that body seems to be anticipating that it will need to repair those spent fibers…The problem is, however, that increased testosterone is what causes your growth plates to fuse. Meaning, this typically is supposed to occur as puberty takes shape and your testosterone levels slowly come up over time. If you prematurely elevate them, however, then you stand a very high likelihood in making your growth plates fuse prematurely. Starting to see how this works yet???? Good Luck and I Hope this helps… 🙂
Will squatting stop my growth?
Q: I am a quarterback in high school and as on now I am 5’11 – 6’0, and i am a sophomoreI want to be able to grow 2-3 more inches, yet I do squats almost daily ( 3 sets of 10 with 225 lb). Will continuing to do squats stop me from growing anymore? Or if I can continue, will doing reps with lighter weights be better? Because I REALLY want to get to 6’3 ish.
A: Chances are you won’t grow much more than you are now. thats statistically speaking. I was a Qb in high school and I was 5’11 at 14 all the way till 17. now im 20 and im still 5’11. but that shouldnt stop you. Doug Flutie was 5’10 and a hell of a QB. same with David garrard. shorty but good…. and no, squatting won’t do anything to stunt your growth.
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