Can meditation reduce stress

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Meditation May Reduce Stress and Improve Health [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can meditation reduce stress
How does meditation reduce stress?
Meditation is the antidote to stress. In meditation, we realize the cause of our tension and stress. Once this has been understood, relaxation naturally follows. There are many methods to this relaxation. One of the best is called Dynamic M…
How does meditation help reduce stress?
Meditation in Buddhism works to reduce stress because of two main reasons: wisdom and mind control. The wisdom aspect lets you discover why the stress is there to begin with, and it will become clear what can be done to reduce it. The mind …
Can Meditation Help Reduce Stress?
We’re all looking for ways to reduce stress in today’shectic lifestyle, and many have found the perfect answer inmeditation. You can get so many benefits throughmeditation, better sleep, more energy, increased immunefunction and of course a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you please give me any Buddhist meditation or technique that can reduce stress and depression?
Q: Also, please give me any recommended websites.Thanks.
A: How about putting yourself into a meditational state, but instead of meditating, concentrate on your task at hand.Perform these steps at your computer station:1. Freeze your back and head posture. Preferably ‘straight-up’.2. Move only your arms and eyes in relation to keyboard and mouse. Do this SLOWLY.3. Keep a lukewarm glass of water by you. Drink some when you reach the meditational state. Do this while not moving your back and head.You will be fighting the need for sleep. As you continue, the need for sleep will continue to assail you, building up on you. Drink more water to help it continue to add up on you. When you fall asleep, you will have met your threshold for meditation. You will have a clearer mind.THIS was the intended goal of meditation, not some ‘get comfortable’ routine as we all subconsciously aim for. In other words, to better oneself or increase “comfort-ability”, one must fight the comfort. Because humans only know two subconscious speeds, fast and faster, to consciously move slower aids us in bettering ourselves in areas of speed.
how does meditation help reduce stress?
Q: any ideas?
A: Meditation in Buddhism works to reduce stress because of two main reasons: wisdom and mind control.The wisdom aspect lets you discover why the stress is there to begin with, and it will become clear what can be done to reduce it. The mind control aspect is probably obvious: if we can make our own mind more flexible and direct towards the things we really want it to work on, then we can ‘simply’ stop the mental habits that build stress, and replace them with a more relaced and clear state of mind.
Q: I am having verymuch tension (Officially and Personally). I want to reduce tesnsion. I read Meditation is the good way to reduce the tension. How to do meditation. Can anyone to advise.
A: Is this Gordon Brown? It sure sounds like you! 😉
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